KRAY-5 (AIO Management+Security System) [5.8.x PBR] *Update*

Neurolab is proud to present the new KRAY-5 Management+Security System ALL IN ONE. Our system provides complete management and advanced security for your SIM, land, parcel, home, club, and more. 

Our next-generation full menu-driven interface is very easy to use and quick to learn. It includes new Hud’s multi sim for owners and managers. 

A menu-driven system with remote control capabilities for multiple owners. Also includes security features such as adjustable scan range, eject mode, and script limits. Visitor tracking features include mailing for daily visitors list and customizable greeting messages. Other features include 2 material skins, sound database ambiance, orb relay for ejecting people, animated screens and lights, and script memory optimization. Only 3 prims land impact. Kray Remote App for N.Phone available. Free lifetime updates.

Our 100% Mesh garantee high-quality luxury mesh and ultra-realistic Materials 2K + PBR VersionsWe welcome you to visit our in-world Mainstore to see the demo and experience the best management and security system on the market.

Table of Contents


• High Quality Luxury Mesh, Materials 2K + PBR Versions

• 100% Menu-controlled system ( Easy Control with Full menu driven interface )
• Remote control hud for owner/managers to quickly access to all krays in the region or other sim!
• Multi owner management ! ( admins list )
• Whitelist [on/off]
• Blacklist [on/off]
• Region up time
• Server time customizable
• Option « ADD BY SCAN » to add people to the whitelist/blacklist
• Managers can see and trash the visitors list


• Advanced security protection
• Short range protection or full land coverage up to 5000 meters range (full sim)
• Adjustable scan range for each Security system (1 to 5000 meters)
• Adjustable warning time
• Separate range, timer and eject mode for each security feature
• Security & scan affect only 1 parcel or all parcels (Full SIM) for Owner and also parcels from others owners/group using the Relay
• Eject avatar (on/off)
• Teleport home (on/off)
• Scripts limits (number of scripts, memory used and script time) [on/off]
• Set minimal age requirement in the BlackList security, people under this age are considered as blacklisted until they reach it
• Custom notifications and greeting message W/ Complete Notecard
• Option “backup” in the white/black list submenu “manage” to see the white/black list in local chat
• Option “in notecard” in white/black list sub-menu to see the list from notecard (useful for managers)
• Interval between two scans is now customizable
• Sound alert on hud for intrusions [on/off]


• Mailing for the daily visitors list [on/off]
• Customizable greeting message for visitors [on/off]
• Visitors counter + set count [on/off]
• Visitors/intrusion list Report [on/off]
• Logs (visits, intrusions, ejection) [on/off] independent for each manager


• 2 Materials Skins includes (BLACK and WHITE)

• System power [on/off]
• Sound database ambiance [on/off] (Exclusive Sound effect Library Ambiance, up to 80 samples)
• Current free memory Display
• Orb relay « transfer permission » for eject peoples if you not owner and also control multiple parcels!
• Light change colors menu but its fully mod if you want a precise color.
• Auto-link : synchronization! receive color from others neurolab products
• Animated screens & lights
• Professional Script memory optimization for best performance!
• 100% Mesh+materials high quality (LOD resistant)
• Permission: copy-modify – rez as many as you need.
• A Beautiful Look for 3 PRIMS land Impact only!!
• Kray Remote App for N.Phone available
• Free updates for life!




◦ [Neurolab Inc.] SECURITY RELAY
◦ [Neurolab Inc.] KRAY HUD REMOTE
◦ [Neurolab Inc.] KRAY REMOTE APP N.PHONE (*Free Bonus*)
◦ Instructions notecard



( Click on KRAY to open Popup Menu )

■ POWER: Turn on/off the Server.

■ COLORS : Choose the color of lights to Customize your Kray.


If activated, checks people within range and reports visits.
Each avatar counts as a new visitor only once per day.
The visitors list is cleared once per day at midnight (see “SETTINGS” => “SET TIME”)
KRAY will keep a maximum of 400 usernames to prevent a memory issue, when there are more than 400 visitors, it will auto-trash 50 usernames and send an email. (see “LOGS” => “EMAIL”)


■ RANGE : Set the scan range for visitors (from 1 to 5000 meters)

■ LIST : Check the daily visitors list

Managers have to be at less than 10 meters of the KRAY to see the list.

■ TRASH : Send an email (see “LOGS” => “EMAIL”) and clear the visitors list

■ SET COUNT: Set the number of visitors, useful if you had to reset it and want to set it back to the last known value.


  If activated, send your greeting message to your visitors.  (notecard “[NeurolaB Inc.] Notifications”, USER Greeting);

■ LAST 7 DAYS : See the number of visits during last seven days.


If activated all people within range that are not in the whitelist will be ejected.
Owner and managers are automatically whitelisted.
See “GROUP” below to allow group members.


■ RANGE : Set the scan range for the whitelist (from 1 to 5000 meters)

■ TIMER : Change the time in seconds before eject someone.

■ MODE – Set the ejection mode

■  EJECT (by default) Set the security mode to “Eject”. KRAY will try to eject people from your land, sending them to a neighbor’s land. (when you change this option, please turn off the Kray with the POWER button and then turn it on again!)

■  TP HOME : Set the security mode = “Tp Home”. KRAY will try to eject people from the region, sending them to their home location. (when you change this option, please turn off the Kray with the POWER button and then turn it on again!)


■ BACKUP (v4.2) : Show the list of white-listed usernames from the live list in local chat (usefull if you want to copy/past it in the notecard)

■ Add : Add a username manually to the live whitelist

■ Add by scan : Show a list of people in a menu, select the one you want to add in the live whitelist

People in the live list can be remove using the menu, and option will appear for each avatar : “Remove X” The number X will match the list above buttons. Managers can remove people from the live list but not from the notecard.

 IN NOTECARD (v4.2) : Show the list of white-listed usernames from the notecard in local chat (usefull for managers since we removed this  list from the text over the menu)

■ GROUP : ON/OFF Check it if you want that people with the same active group to be handled as whitelisted.


If activated all people within range that are blacklisted will be ejected with no delay.


■ RANGE : Set the scan range for the blacklist (from 1 to 5000 meters)

■ AGE (v4.2) : Set the minimal age requirement in days. Set it to 0 to disabled this feature.


■  EJECT (by default) Set the security mode to “Eject”. KRAY will try to eject people from your land, sending them to a neighbor’s land. (when you change this option, please turn off the Kray with the POWER button and then turn it on again!)

■  TP HOME : Set the security mode = “Tp Home”. KRAY will try to eject people from the region, sending them to their home location. (when you change this option, please turn off the Kray with the POWER button and then turn it on again!)


■ BACKUP (v4.2) : Show the list of black-listed usernames from the live list in local chat (usefull if you want to copy/past it in the notecard)

■ Add : Add a username manually to the live blacklist

■ Add by scan : Show a list of people in a menu, select the one you want to add in the live blacklist

People in the live list can be remove using the menu, and option will appear for each avatar : “Remove X” The number X will match the list above buttons. Managers can remove people from the live list but not from the notecard.

■ IN NOTECARD (v4.2) : Show the list of black-listed usernames from the notecard in local chat (usefull for managers since we removed this
list from the text over the menu)


If activated all people with scripts that exceed one or more limits (number of scripts, memory usage, script time) will be ejected.


■ RANGE : Set the scan range for scripts limits (from 1 to 5000 meters)

■ TIMER : Change the time in seconds before eject someone.

■ NB SCRIPTS : (Default 200)

Set the allowed number of scripts

■ MEMORY : (Default 8 mb)

Set the allowed memory usage in mb (megabits)


Owner and each manager can decide if he/she wants to see the logs in instant messages.


Owner and each managers can add their email address if they want to receive the daily list of visitors.
Enter your email address when turning it on.
An email will be send :
– when someone trash the list
– when 50 usernames are auto-trashed (if there are more than 400 usernames in the daily list)
– at midnight (see “SETTINGS” => “SET TIME”)




■ Popup :
If activated, you reveive a popup when an intruder comes in the whitelist area, you can add this avatar temporary (30 minutes, 2 hours, ..) or unlimited time.

■ Offline : ON/OFF
If activated you’ll receive logs when you’re offline too (in your SL account’s mail address)



If activated, play a random sound every few seconds.

■ SOUND FREQ (v4.3) : set the time in seconds between two sounds (default 120 seconds)

■ 1 PARCEL : ON/OFF (default ON)

Visitors, WhiteList, BlackList and Scripts features get the agents list in their own range but will only work on the parcel where the KRAY is. Most people won’t spam their neighbors.
If you want to allow your KRAY to check all parcels owned by the same owner of this parcel, uncheck this option.

■ INTERVAL (default 10 seconds)

Set the time in seconds between two scans.
Visitors, WhiteList, BlackList and Scripts features depend of this interval to detect people.

With an interval of 120 seconds for example you could miss a visitor.
With an interval of 1 second KRAY will detect intruders faster but make a scan every second.

To quickly eject intruders or avoid missing a visitor you would prefer maybe a scan each second but is it really
necessary ? Certainly not.

An interval between 10-20 seconds is reasonable.

■ SET TIME : set the time to match yours.


If activated use 12 hours format.

■ +1 HOUR / -1 HOUR / +15 MINUTES / -15 MINUTES : change the offset, based on UTC time.

KRAY use this time for logs and to auto-trash the daily list of visitors. Do not forget to check it when entering in
summer/winter time and change it if necessary.

■ UPDATE (v4.4): ON/OFF (default OFF)

■ RESET (owner only) : Reset script, turn KRAY off and remove live whitelist/blacklist



Click to [Items] button to the Kray menu:

■ REZ RELAY (owner only) : Rez transferable security relay. See “Information about RELAYS” below.

■ Get HUD: Get a HUD that allow you to quickly access the KRAY menu

Event if you are using multiple KRAYs you only need 1 HUD
Managers can use it too.
If you are owner of a KRAY and manager of another one, you still only need 1 HUD.
Once connected a HUD can trigger an alarm sound to warn you about intrusions.

■ Information about RELAYS

Security allows you to eject people from your land.

The server can not eject people from land owned by another person or group.
However, you can rez a copy/trans security relay by typing ‘/33 rez’ :

– If the land is owned by another avatar : take this relay to your inventory and give it to this owner, he will rez it
– if the land is owned by a group :
– if you have permission to eject from land in this group, deed the relay to the group
– else take this relay to your inventory and give it to a member of this group that have this permission, he will rez it and deed it to the group

While the relay is kept on this land your server will be able to eject people from this land.

■ Warning :

if your server’s group doesn’t match the relay’s group it will try to eject relay’s group member if they are not whitelisted. It will fails cause the relay will decline this order, but people will be spammed anyway


– Arrow: open the HUD
– WiFi: quick access to the menu of the last used KRAY

– Arrow: close the HUD
– ( i ): link to online manual
– Sound: turn intrusion’s alarm sound ON/OFF
– SELECT: select a KRAY in your list of KRAYs
– CONNECT: quick access to the menu of the last used KRAY
– ” – “: remove a KRAY from your list
– ” + “: search all KRAYs in the region, if you are the owner of a manager of a KRAY you will be able to add it to your list

Ou can also use Kray Remote (Free APP)


Managers get almost the same power than owner they can access the menu to active/deactivate the security, add people to the whitelist and the blacklist, edit the range, security mode, timer..
They can’t :
– edit the notecard
– rez a relay
– report/trash list of visitors (they can enabled Logs feature)
– remove whitelisted/blacklisted people from the notecard

Add manager :

Open the managers notecard contained in your content server named: “[NeurolaB Inc.] Manag.List” and enter usernames* one per line after “=Managers=”

*usernames ARE NEITHER legacy names NOR display names
some legacy names : Ono Zinner, Rohacan Hirons, Lylylala28 Resident
some possible display names : OnO Zinner, Mr Rohacan, ~#Super Lyly#~
their USERNAMES : ono.zinner, rohacan.hirons, lylylala28

[NeurolaB Inc.] Manag.List e.g. :


and then save the notecard.

You can add some usernames to the white list and black list too, e.g. :


then save the notecard.


This product requires the use of MESH CAPABLE Viewer.
SL viewer 3 or above or the equivalent Third Party viewer (eg: Firestorm, …).
This product require Advanced Lighting Model activate to appreciate the materials !!


5.8.4 Revision (RELEASED) 

  • Added :
    • Materials 2K (2048×2048)
    • PBR Version

5.8.2 Revision:

  • New BLACK Materials Set for EEP
  • Reduced Display Memory
  • WHITE SKIN added

5.7 Revision: – fixed minor bug

5.6.1 Revision : – fixed notecard reloading issue

5.5 Revision :
– New Kray Mesh LOD Resistant
– New Relay Mesh LOD Resistant
– fixed an issue with age checking.
– fixed an issue with the parameter xSCRIPTTIMEx in the notifications notecard.

5.0 Revision :
– Complete rewrite for optimization
– Added Offline option in logs to disable logs when offline
– Added Pop-Up option to add people in whitelist (temp or unlimited time)
– Removed script time from scripts limits feature (was not always reliable)

4.7 Revision: Fixed Security issue + Full Support Kray remote APP

4.6 Revision :
–  Added auto-fix cases issues with usernames added manually (remove spaces, remove “resident”, cast to lower characters)
– some Fix to Kray Remote HUD

4.5 Revision:
– Added a button “No limit” in “Range” sub-menus.
– Fixed an issue in the HUD and improved reliability between the HUD and linked Krays

4.4 Revision:
– Added a switcher to turn ON/OFF update checking.

4.3 Revision:
– Added an option “Sound Freq” to customize time between two random sounds
– Added an option “Update” in the submenu “Settings” to check the current version.
– Removed Internal auto-update
– Fixed : Kray was still playing random sounds when “Power” was turned OFF.

4.2 Revision:
– Improved memory usage to save more usernames in the notecard using less memory. (live lists still eat more memory per username)
– Improved main script free memory (from 13k to 21k with empty lists)
– Fixed : Kray was playing a sound on touch when Sound was turned OFF
– Added a notecard “[NeurolaB Inc.] Notifications” to custom notifications and greeting message.
– Added a minimal age requirement in the BlackList security, people under this age are considered as blacklisted until they reach it
– Added an option “Backup” in the white/black list submenu “Manage” to see the white/black list in local chat
– Added an option “In Notecard” in white/black list sub-menu to see the list from notecard (Useful for managers)
– Removed white/black list from notecard above the menu to avoid an issue when the text is too long.

4.1 Revision:
– Menu Re-organized
– Added “Greeting” option to test the greeting message.

4.0 Revision Major:
– Added HUD for owner/managers to quickly access to all KRAYs in the region
– Added sound alert on HUD for intrusions
– Added region up time
– Added server time customizable
– Added mailing for the daily visitors list
– Added option “Add by scan” to add people to the whitelist/blacklist
– Managers can see and trash the visitors list
– Interval between two scans is now customizable
– Added a visitors counter
– Added a greeting message for visitors
– Separate range, timer and eject mode for each security feature
– Added scripts limits feature to eject people using too much script resource.