DRONE BEE S6 (Security/Greeter/Visitor System)

Neurolab presents to you the new S6 version (6th generation) drone.

This is the best robotic and autonomous UAV in Second Life, featuring a full security system for land, sim, club, home, and area protection. It is made of high quality and luxury mesh with ultra-realistic materials.
It is available in many looks. However, the system remains the same for all.

It is also equipped with the Nlab Animator Waypoint™ system, which offers an exclusive and easy means of defining the drone’s fly path with visually defined fly direction and path shown via rezzed and duplicated green ball waypoints.
Additionally, the security features of this product are impressive, featuring the security mode, eject or tp home option, security range adjustments of up to 4096 meters (full sim), and security timer adjustments of up to 90 seconds, among others.

Tracking features such as customizable greeting meet avatars, enhanced avatar scanning screen with radar display, avatar intrusion analysis, items giving to visitors, and complete daily email reports make this product stand out.
Lastly, it is fully menu-driven, resizable, and modifiable, making it the perfect professional tool for your needs.

Please visit our in-world main store to see the demo.

Table of Contents


• 100% Mesh+materials (high quality luxury mesh, ultra realistic baked textures with shadows.)

• Nlab Animator Waypoint™ system to definite fly path (easy, fast and fun!)

– Adds a exclusive and very straightforward way to define drone’s fly path : the fly path can be visually defined by rezzing and duplicating green ball waypoints, showing the fly direction and path with a particle arrows beam

– Complete animator sub-menu: rerez wps, update path, rez wp#1, store wps and kill wps
– Displacement: the drone moves following a path you determine


• Security mode: eject or tp home choice [on/off]
• Security range adjust 1 to 4096 meters (full sim)
• Security timer adjust 1 to 90 sec

• Orb Relay “transfert permission” to eject peoples if you not sim owner and also to control multiple parcels!
• Whitelist [on/off]


• Customizable greeting meet avatars. customize your welcome message, delay, speed and much more …
• Enhanced avatar scanning screen with a radar display when on
• Avatar intrusion analysis [on/off] : the drone scans each new avatar which happens on the sim in its fields of action, to approach to him, the scan and shipments him a welcome message
• Giver items to visitors [on/off]
• Visitors counter [on/off]
• Complete email daily report [on/off]

• Fully menu driven
• Adjust sounds volume [on/off]
• Customization drone colors and lights with 11 preselected. (but drone is mod and fully tintable with unlimited colors)
• Display/hide statistics: visit days/total, prim info, sim lag/fps, avatar scanner
• Sounds realistic, particles, display panels with animated textures
• Resize-able
• Permissions: mod – copy
• No lag! professional script memory optimization for best performance!
• Free updates for life! automatic
• N-watch with drone Remote Control includes (relaying drones local chat commands sim-wide)
• And much more…


◦ [Neurolab Inc.] DRONE S5
◦ [Neurolab Inc.] N-Watch (Remote Control)
◦ [Neurolab Inc.] SECURITY RELAY


QUICK HELP Configuration

■ IMPORTANT: Read all the manual before Start Drone. (and dont forget to read all CAUTION)


■ To create the path

1. Touch drone to call owner menu, then hit “Animator” button in dialog. This leads to the Animator sub menu
2. Hit “Rez WP#1” button in dialog to rez the first visual blue waypoint
3. Right-click and Edit that Waypoint #1, and duplicate it as often as needed by holding shift key while moving it with edit arrows
You can duplicate the blue waypoint or a green waypoint
4. When fly path is complete, just hit “Store WPs” button in dialog to have the drone move around and store path coordinates
5. Hit “Kill WPs” button to remove all waypoints at once

WARNING : at step 3 you can delete a green waypoint if necessary but if you delete the blue one, all waypoints will disappear.

Now your drone is ready to move, just hit “Anim ON” button in dialog to start

■ To change the path

1. Touch drone to call owner menu, then hit “Animator” button in dialog. This leads to the Animator sub menu
2. Hit “Rerez WPs” button in dialog to re-rez all waypoints previously defined
3. Move or delete some of them. WARNING : if you delete the blue waypoint, all waypoints will disappear.
4. Hit “Store WPs” button in dialog again to have the drone store the updated path coordinates

■ To Backup the path

1. Touch drone to call owner menu, then hit “Animator” button in dialog. This leads to the Animator sub menu
2. Hit “Backup WPs” button in dialog to list all path coordinates in chat
3. Copy those from chat
4. Right-click and Edit the Drone, go to Content tab in Edit window and open the Settings Notecard
5. Paste them at end, so that at every rerez/reset the path will be re-read from the Notecard



■ Meet Av
Configure if the drone should fly to new visitors and greet them

■ Security
Area protection. When activated, only people on the whitelist will be allowed in the area patrolled by the drone.

▪ GroupAccess: group members are self-white listed when this option is enabled (enabled by default)

▪ Sec Help : Display helpful information about drone security
▪ Sec Range : Drone will scan for intruders within this range (choose 1 to 4096 m).
▪ Sec Timer : TIME TO TP/EJECT intruders (choose 1 to 90 seconds)
▪ Rez Relay : Rez a copy/trans relay to give to another parcel owner (to eject people from parcel’s owned by someone else)
▪ Sec Reset : Use with caution! Will reset the security script (all existing security relays will get disabled, requires new relays)
▪ Activate : Turn on area protection. Expect everyone not in whitelist (drone inventory) to be ejected on sight.
▪ Deactivate : Turn off area protection. This is the default

▪ TP HOME: Set Security mode to “TP Home”
▪ EJECT: Set Security mode to “Eject”

▪ Some chat commands exist for security too (see ■ Chat commands)

■ AV counter
▪ Global: (Counter global report)
displays the number of visitors since the beginning.

▪ Detail: (Counter detailed report)
displays the list sorted by names of visitors and the number of visitors/day.

▪ Reset – resets the data base of the lists.
▪ Counter on : activate the counting.
▪ Counter off : deactivate the counting.

■ Lights Color
▪ choice of 11 colors to customize the lights of drone. (but drone is MOD and fully tintable with unlimited colors)
(1.5.1 Addition of the texts floating and reactor)

■ Drone Color
▪ choice of 11 colors to customize the colors of drone. (but drone is MOD and fully tintable with unlimited colors)
(1.5.1 Addition of the texts floating and reactor)

■ Region info
▪ Run / stops of the screen of information of the statistics of the sim.

■ Prims info
▪ Run / stops of the screen of information of prims of the sim.

■ AV info
▪ Run / stops of the screen of information of the avatar scanned by the drone.
(Bug fixed at the display of a profile without photo)

■ Come
▪ Drone will fly to you and stop.

■ Help
▪ this help.


Remote Control

Use the N-Watch includes

You can use chat commands to control some aspects of the drone.

If the drone is often too far  away, you can attach and use remote (then just “speak” the command on local chat  or click on your N-Watch to access the menu)



*** IMPORTANT: The new version 5 include a new parameters:

// meet delay 1 – how long to wait before meeting a visitor
// items to give – the drone give can give one or more items to the visitors (separate by | )

Meet message can now use “\n” to make a new line (eg: Hi *, \n Welcome to my shop)

to UPDATE: just copy paste your old settings (waypoints path, message and mail…) into the new setting card.

✔ Example of the file (notecard) setting:

// waypoint delay - how long to wait before moving to next waypoint
// speed - how quickly the bot moves between 2 waypoints (lower is slower)
// sensor range - how far to scan for new people
// vertical distance - how high above the avatar when greeting (in meter)
// horizontal distance - how close from the avatar when greeting (in meter)
// message -what drone says as greeting message (Using * anywhere in string will be replaced by avatar firstname. IMPORTANT Use "\n" to make a new line (eg: Hi *, \n Welcome to my shop)) :
Welcome *,\nEnjoy your visit!
// meet range - how close the visitor has to be to have drone greet him
// meet delay 1 - how long to wait before meeting a visitor
// meet delay 2 - how long to wait before moving after a visitor greeting
// email address - to get daily detailed visitors report. Leave blank for no report
// items to give separate by | (eg: my notecard | an object | SuperAnime | Nice picture) Leave blank to give nothing
your names items here
// waypoints path – list of vectors separated by ‘;’ PASTE UNDER THIS LINE RESULT BACKUP (WARNING: max 255 chars BY LINES)



▪ Security allows you to eject people from your land. It will work with all parcels you own in one region.
The drone can not eject people from land owned by another person or group. However, you can rez a copy/trans security relay by typing ‘/22 rez’, take it to your inventory and give it to the other parcel owner(s).

All they need to do is rez and keep it on their land and your drone will be able to eject people from their land too.
If their land is group-owned, they need to deed the relay to group. Members of their land group will not be ejected from their parcel.

It’s that simple! You need to rez and deliver new relays should you ever use ‘/22 reset’, this way you can disable old security relays when their owners are unreachable.

▪ Now you are able to change eject notifications from IM to OwnerSay or turning them off completely.
OwnerSay only works when you are located in the same region as the drone, you will not receive notifications when you are somewhere else or when being offline.

This prevents your instant messages from being capped when you receive too many notifications.
You decide what you like best, by default the drone uses Instant Messages (which you can deliver to email when being offline).

▪ You are able to configure the range for a drone to scan for people at its current position.
It is set to 25m by default. Most regions do not allow scan ranges of more than 96m, so if you configure anything higher than that it will most likely use 96 meters instead.

▪ By adding people to the whitelist you can exempt them from being ejected.
Open the whitelist notecard contained in your drone and enter legacy usernames one per line, e.g. OnO Zinner or LittleEve Resident and then save the notecard.

The drone will auto-reload the list and once this is done you can enable security. Owner and members of the same group are auto-whitelisted.
The same applies to security relays, owners and group members would not get ejected even if the drone tries to.

■ Available chat commands to owners:

/22 activate = Activate security.
/22 deactivate = Deactivate security
/22 notify = Change eject notification (OwnerSay, IM or off)
/22 range x = Change detection range in meters
/22 rez = Rez transferrable security relay
/22 reset = Reset script (caution, disables existing relays)
/22 tphome = Change attack method to ‘TP Home’
/22 eject = Change attack method to ‘Eject’
/22 volume = Change volume of sounds from 0 (off) to 10 (loudest)
/22 help = More help on security & relays

✎ Mail daily REPORT (example on your mail)

[NeurolaB] SiM DrOne S5 Daily Report

COUNTER DETAILED REPORT: (current state is ON)
Mon, Jul 27. 2036: 11116 visitor(s)
Tue, Jul 28. 2036: 11157 visitor(s)
xxxavatar namexxx
xxxavatar namexxx
xxxavatar namexxx
xxxavatar namexxx
xxxavatar namexxx
173636 TOTAL VISITORS SINCE Mon, Jul 27. 2036


✔ Since version 4.6 you can command one drone only instead of all drones in the region
Use the command “select” and select the drone you want to command.
If you try to send a command to the selected drone and this one is not in this region (or deleted)
the Voice Command goes back in “ALL” mode.

Chat commands

/22 help = More help on security & relays
/22 activate = Activate security.
/22 deactivate = Deactivate security
/22 notify = Change eject notification (OwnerSay, IM or off)
/22 range x = Change detection range in meters
/22 rez = Rez transferable security relay
/22 reset = Reset script (caution, disables existing relays)
/22 help = More help on security & relays
/22 range x = Change detection range in meters
/22 tphome = Change attack method to ‘TP Home’
/22 eject = Change attack method to ‘Eject’
/22 volume = Change volume of sounds from 0 (off) to 10 (loudest)

Remote menu

– Help: get the list of chat commands
– Start: the drone starts (waypoints need to be set first)
– Stop: the drone stops.
– Come: the drone comes to you (and stops).
– Report: the drone sends global report
– Select: get a list of all drones in this region and select one.

For Email Report

dont forget insert your Email to SETTING notecard contained in your drone.
▪ Use the Back button to browse through the menus and the Cancel button to exit the menu
(avoiding the ignore button).
▪ Do Not reset the scripts in the drone but click to EMERGENCY BUTTON.
▪ EMERGENCY BUTTON: if your drone crashed after a lag or else, click on the top of the head of the DRONE and Click to
Reset in menu.

▪ there is a blue WayPoint, this one controls all others, if you delete it all WayPoints will be deleted.


This product requires the use of MESH CAPABLE Viewer.
SL viewer 3 or above or the equivalent Third Party viewer (eg: Firestorm, …).
This product require Advanced Lighting Model activate to appreciate the materials !!


SIM DRONE Revision 6.0 (RELEASED) 

  • Added :
    • All Materials NEW POLISH
  • Optimized :
    • Reduced Display Memory and NEW Materials Set for EEP
    • 100% rebuild Mesh with Ultra hard LOD quality resistant !!


– revision 5.6.2 : N-WATCH 2.0 added

– revision 5.6:

  • New Rom added to save settings menu choice even when you edit the settings notecard!
  • (Improved and major update to sentinel and sputnik version)

– revision 5.3 (MAJOR UPDATE):

  • New Redesign and full Rebuild with LOD resistance!
  • new Relay and much more….

5.0 :

– WhiteList : the drone uses usernames instead of legacy names
– Settings : meet message can now use “\n” to make a new line (eg: Hi *, \n Welcome to my shop)
– Settings : items to give, the drone can give one or more items when it meets someone


new option: GroupAccess (security) + improvement of daily mailing list.
– Improved Voice Commander
– Improved WayPoints System
– Improved movements – (NEW POWER UNIT!)
– Reduce scripts resources (number of scripts, improved memory usage)


Improved Menu access++Fix Bug to whitelist.
–  New Meet delay  – “how long to wait before meeting a visitor” added! (by default 30 sec.)
*** IMPORTANT to UPDATE: just copy paste your Waypoints path, Greet msg and Mail into the new NC setting card 4.4. (don’t drag your old Notecard 4.3)
– Avatar infos Code changed again by Linden, Fix added…
– Eject Timer adjust and increase security range features added!
– fix waypoints above 1024 meters Alt. (Warp Pose code break by LINDEN!)


– More details and Reals Lights added.

3.55 — BIOS 4.0 ALPHA TEST

3.0 —
– Added multiple switches to change attack: Eject to TP Home.
– Added text command to change volume of sound from 0-10.